Farm Experience

Our family run farm “Vorderstoss” offers a variety of opportunities to explore and experience farm life, make new furry friends and get creative with what nature has to offer. Spark your kids’ curiosity, let them playfully learn how to respect and care for animals and to enjoy nature in a thoughtful and responsible way. Come by for one of our regular play groups, take part in a farm experience day or book us for your next birthday party.

- Kids Activety Time – from 4 years - upon request on Mornings or Afternoons - duration: 3 hours
- Farm Experience Days – from 5 years - time: 08:00 – 17:00 - upon request
- Kids Farm Birthday Party - upon request
- Are your kids ready to join our farm life? Please contact us in advance for details and availability!

mehr Fotos und Geschichten unter

Puurähof Vorderstoss
Martin & Marianne Betschart-Stössel

Pfäffikonerstrasse 80,  8835 Feusisberg

079 729 04 74 /

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